Self-Manager System

Our classroom runs on a self-manager system where students earn positive rewards for following our five class room rules (see whole brain teaching tab). Students will earn a self-manager badge upon creating and signing our class contract. All students will be on a color system* that determines their self manager status.

Purple- The student went above and beyond to exceed classroom and school expectations. 
Blue- The student followed classroom and school expectations.
Green- The student needed a few reminders to follow classroom and school expectations.
Yellow- The student needed several reminders to follow classroom and school expectations. 
Orange- The student consistently needed reminders to follow classroom and school expectations.
Red- The student did not follow classroom or school expectations or received an office referral. 

*Green- Note in folder
*Yellow- Email to parent/guardian
*Orange- Phone call from teacher
*Red- Phone call from student and teacher or office

Everyone starts on blue everyday and can move up or down throughout the day. In order to move back up the student must tell me why they moved their clip and how they consistently fixed their behavior. If a student ends the day on green, they will lose their self-manager badge. The student can earn their self-manager badge back by being on blue for three days or earning one purple. 

Self-Manager Rewards*:
  • No shoes in class
  • Work on the carpet
  • Chalk at recess
  • Use BBB to shop at the classroom store
  • Use BBB to shop at the BBB store
  • Microwavable popcorn for snack (student must provide popcorn)
  • Bring a drink other than water to drink in the classroom (ex: Gatorade; student must provide drink) 
  • Front of line for lunch
  • Front of line for recess
*Check back for new rewards to be added

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